Sunday 11 December 2016

Zeta Function at Negative Integers

In my previous post I mentioned that there is a connection between analytic expansion value of zeta function at negative integers and a geometrical method. It turns out that the proof is very simple. We know that $$\zeta(-n)=-\frac{B_{n+1}}{n+1}$$
where $B_n$ is the $n$th Bernoulli number. Bernoulli numbers are defined as
$$B_m=-\frac{1}{m+1}\sum_{k=0}^{m-1}{{m+1}\choose{k}}B_k \hspace{12 mm} m \geq 1$$
From Faulhaber's formula we know that,

Integrating $S_k(x)$ from $-1$ to $0$,

So the small area enclosed by $S_k(x)$ around the $x$-axis is exactly equal to $\zeta(-k)$.

Derivation of the $\zeta(-n)$ can be found here. We need to know the value of zeta function for even positive integers to derive it. A nice proof for even positive integers is described here.

Thanks for reading :)

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